Wednesday 15 October 2008

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work

With these experimental videos they can start off ecentrically, seeming not to be directed pieces but an almagamation of thoughts,ideas and feelings made into video. Therefore straight from the beginning as a viewer your expectations are disoriented. Yet all the movies are intriguing and make you want to see what happens next or why this is happening this way. Such as in telling lies the tone of the caller’s voice is also strangely low and dazed, which draws in the viewer as you want to find out why. Not all the videos have a deeper message to portray their merely created to show a different perspective or way you can communicate video such as Gizele Kerozenes piece in which 3 witches chase each other. If you knew the sypnopsis before you watched it, you wouldnt be on waiting on tenterhooks to see it, yet watching it you actually see the difficulty of the craft of having to cut scenes of people jumping to give the illusion of flight. As an audience you see this is a very innovative idea, whether you think it was good is your opinion but it opens you up to new film experiences.


CSC MEDIA said...
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CSC MEDIA said...

Unit 34
Grade D1

Nathan this is very competent piece of analysis. You critically evaluate the work of video artists and support your arguments with elucidated examples, you express your ideas fluently and use subject terminology correctly.

You need to make some minor alterations by placing speech marks around directors and film titles.

This is clearly a distinction piece of work, Well done! You are now into your production stages i.e. Task 2 on the main blog.