Friday 10 October 2008

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles

Technology, techniques and styles used in Telling lies and Dollface

The only visuals we get in telling lies are of words flashing as a narration of characters voices although there are subtle differences between how bright the words flash and their size. The conversations are sharp and realistic like its real. The sounds that help achieve this are: the ringing tones, the dial tones and the slight muffled ness of the voices- this is mainly due to the fact they actually recorded using real telephones. Although this may be the case we don’t actually see any source of sound so its non-diagetic. Although this is not very difficult to do, it was not all of it was possible to do thirty years ago so its quite modern technology similar to Dollface. This is because doll face was created using quite advanced combination of animation and 3-d graphics. This type of technology has been only available in the past two decades so it’s relatively new. Therefore this shows that the audience that the video is trying to reach with its message is to the current generation.

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