Monday 6 October 2008

1. Discussion of past and current artists and works

Discussing telling lies With 1001 nights
In telling lies you can tell its experimental within the first ten seconds of watching as there are no actual visuals, apart from flashes of words that the characters are saying. This is similar to 1001 nights in the way that the visuals arent conventional as in nights there are five stills of people who each take a turn to tell a story, this immediately as a viewer your disorientates your expectations. Telling lies is trying to address the fact about how we as society or people lie so easily and twist the truth so we either tell people what they want to hear, or what will get us out of trouble. Similarly in 1001 nights the movie addresses society as a whole not a niche few with the message that people caught up in the atrocity of war are also everyday people like you and me. This is shown in 1001 nights as the actual women who's stories these orginated are middle eastern where as the director purposefully uses run of the mill english women to represent that these women are the english equivalent of the middle eastern women. Also in 1001 nights the director purposefully shows the actual lies of the people so we as an audience can imagine what reaction the recipient would give if the caller told the truth.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Good start Nathan.

Be aware of your spelling experimental not "XPerimental".

Try and structure your points into paragraphs and start a new one for each different thing you have to say.

Well done just need to see more of it now.