Monday 22 September 2008

A representation of brighton

What is Xperimental Media?

IMO Xperimental media is about playing around with different styles,themes,ideas, concepts for videos music and picutures. It is groundbreaking and fresh new stuff that no ones ever tried before. You must think outside of the box, and push the boundaries and limits of what people think is possible. Breaking the mould or not doing the norm i think really defines XP media. I think an example would be missy elliots music videos. she has always tried to be innovative with the themes in her videos and hasn't limited her self to the regular hip hop music videos with cars and girls with big booty and breasts. Of course some of her videos do contain these elements but usually in a satirical nature. I would say the thing that stands out about her videos is that they're graphically shocking.

bRigTon 19TH SePteMbER

we went to brighton and took some hilarious picz for our portfolios!